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Human Design Money Archetypes

Work with the gifts and shadows of your Human Design. Get paid while being absolutely true to who you are.

The Financial Nourishment™ Bundle

The Financial Nourishment™ Bundle

What do your nervous system and Human Design have to do with money?

Well, kind of everything.

The patterns found in your Human Design can reveal so much about your needs, the ways that you tend to your nervous system, and how you connect with the energy of money.

They’re all connected.

And like so many of us have been taught to do, maybe you constantly seek more ways to earn or attract money, whilst not simply seeing money as a source of true nourishment.

Or maybe you’ve been unable to provide spaciousness for the money that you have to naturally flourish and proliferate, so that you can continue to receive even more of it.

If any of this resonates with you at all, I want to invite you to take a deep breath in through your heart, exhale, and….expand.

I see you.

I know how conflicting the topic of money can be. I’m the girl who’s been there scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying so hard to do everything I possibly could to earn more.

And I didn’t truly start having more until I fully understood the true simplicity of financial nourishment.

I had to get very quiet. I had to go into my body, to connect with the essence of money…and I finally realized that it’s not at all what we all think it is.

It is of this earth. It is of the stars. It is everything that our bodies, minds, and spirits are made of. Once you can heal whatever it is that is keeping you from attuning to that, communing with it, and immersing yourself in the vibration of its nourishment…

well, that’s when it gets to be so simply elegant and easy that it’s hard to even imagine how it can be true.

So this isn’t only about Human Design, “manifesting” and the stars. This is about your body, your nervous system, too. And how you can work with it to expand your capacity to receive more financial nourishment.

You don’t need to intellectually know how to receive more. You need to embody it.

This is what’s worked for me and for many of the women who I’ve worked with over the last five years. And this is what I’ve seen in the women and men whom I’ve witnessed while working with my mentor over the last 1.5 years in the field of Somatic Financial Therapy.

If you’re a woman who wants to go deep and expand — someone who doesn’t only want to earn more money, but also wants to receive, have, commune with, feel peace with, and feel nourished by more money, then tune into the wisdom of the Financial Nourishment by Human Design workshop.

In this practical, magical, Mind-Body-HD-Money workshop (+guidebook), you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s more important now than ever for you (as a woman) to be and feel financially nourished.

  • How your Human Design, nervous system, womb, and pelvis are all related to your finances.

  • Practical somatic tools to hold, resource, and empower yourself during all kinds of money moments, such as: feeling safe with money, receiving money, holding money, being naturally magnetic to money, and seeing money as a true source of nourishment so you can be well-resourced and financially nourished.

  • Your Money Type by Human Design.

  • Other Human Design things like: why “waiting” isn’t always the best strategy for Human Design Projectors (or any type) when it comes to money, and two shifts that are more effective.

  • How to use your Human Design and Gene Keys to know specifically what helps you achieve and maintain financial well-being and nourishment.

  • You’ll also receive bespoke (unique to you) supplementary resources in the Financial Nourishment Guidebook for ongoing integration and expansion. This is like a mini-HD reading that gives you the full picture of how you can attune your body to commune with the frequency of money as a source of nourishment.

  • And, finally you’ll get my signature RECEIVE Delta Nidra™ - a powerful meditation that will take you into the most deeply healing stages of consciousness, to re-wire all pathways for receiving financial nourishment with absolute effortlessness and ease (without you having to do a thing).


What Lily was able to receive after the workshop:

“What you shared about creating safety in my body so money can nourish me was a relaxing perspective shift. Most of the time, I’ve felt out of alignment with what I should be doing with my money because I’ve tried to follow a plan provided by someone else (which can have its value, but sometimes comes with frustration and shame when it doesn’t fit me perfectly).

Instead of focusing on the “shoulds” (the things that I “should” think and do around money, debt, spending and saving) that I receive from everywhere else, I now know how to tune into what’s actually going to nourish me financially and bring value to my life. I left the workshop feeling confident and at ease with how I’m using my money and relating to it right now.

I also learned that my work must light me up for money to flow more easily to me as a MG (Manifesting Generator). I used to be an “under-earner”. I was doing work that I enjoyed, but I was doing it at a company that I didn’t enjoy working for, and I realized that I needed to follow what fulfills me all of the way if I want to have financial abundance.

Now I know what kind of work I really want to focus on and I’ve already begun to do this work that truly lights me up. And then, because I opened up to the possibility of receiving more, I got an invitation to make more money and receive benefits that I wasn’t getting before. It feels so good in every way. Thank you so much for your enthusiastic support!”

— Lily P.


The Workshop & Guidebook to Financial Nourishment by Human Design



Want to get access to this workshop for free?

It’s currently free to new students in the Human Design Reader Training.


Human Design Money Keys™ - The Guidebook

Human Design Money Keys™ - The Guidebook

Human Design Attunement™

Human Design Attunement™