The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

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Goddess DNA. Did you know that you have it?

Goddess DNA. Did you know that you have it?

We have goddess DNA. Like, for real. I found out 3 years ago and have been in my hermit cave exploring how it shows up in my own DNA ever since. Now I want to show you how it shows up in yours.

First we’ll start with Vesta (pictured here on the left). In ancient Greek mythology she’s called Hestia. Vesta is a Virgo goddess, and she’s not so popular because there isn’t a ton of exciting mythology written about her. Maybe because she was a virgin, was steadfast in her decision to remain one, and refused to marry both Poseidon and Apollo (pictured on the right, attempting to court her).

Vesta didn’t have time for all that, for her true purpose was to tend to the sacred, eternal flame (also pictured). Because of this she had shrines or altars dedicated to her at the center of every home and central public hearth in every community. She became a symbol of warmth, unity, cohesion between the family and the state, protection for those without homes, and honest and faithful dealings.

Her “vestal virgins” were the priestesses who tended to the sacred flames in Rome and held sovereign power over their lives—they were able to own and dispose of their own property and they had many other privileges that even men didn’t have.

The meaning of Vesta in your DNA can go much deeper but for now we’ll leave it at these keynotes: she knew what her life’s work was, she maintained her innocence and resolve despite the powerful forces who tried to sway her, and because of this, in the end, she became completely indispensable, respected, trusted and revered as sacred.

What can we learn from her? How does her mythology and energy influence each of us *specifically*?

We’re going to find out in my month-long workshop in September, called Goddess DNA, where you’ll discover where and how she’s been trying to express herself within you this whole time.

Until then, in my next post, we’ll talk about Isis in your DNA.

Human Design Goddess - Isis in Your DNA

Human Design Goddess - Isis in Your DNA

Deep Rest + Gene Keys {PODCAST}