The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

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Human Design Weather Report for the Collective: Embodied Love 🌙✨

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective: Embodied Love 🌙✨

November 13, 2019

On this Taurus full moon, here's a little something to ponder:

What needs to be healed, released, aligned and brought to your awareness for you to trust your own inner knowing?

With the 🌞Sun in the Gate of Insight (43), and both the 🌏Earth and the 🌕Full Moon in the Gate of Sharing New Ideas (23), we're being called to release tonight the things that hold us back from expressing ourselves, our inspirations, and our ideas.

This also means releasing, or re-aligning our relationships with, those who don't hear us or those who we don't feel comfortable fully being ourselves around.

With Mercury in the Gate of Purpose and Self-Expression (1) and Venus in the Gate of Personal Rhythm (5), we need to be in a space of absolute love and trust for ourselves, our bodies, and who we really are.

And we need to heal and release what doesn't align with that, and re-align with our inner knowingness, wisdom and creativity so that we can experience our truly abundant nature.

Take a moment now to consider what that may look like for you.


Once upon a time, there was a Projector (Human Design type).

And, as a little girl, she was told she was here to be "seen and not heard".

She spent most of her life seeking perfection in everything that she did, because she thought that perfection would make her worthy of love and affection.

She didn't express her opinions or share her insights very often because she learned that nobody really wanted to hear them, or that if she did share them, someone would question her or tell her that she was wrong.

The more perfection (or affection) she sought,

the more self-conscious she got,

the more she fell out of integrity with herself,

the more she started to question her loveability,

and the less she saw her own sense of value.

This all began to show up in her relationships. Her self-abandonment led to unhealthy patterns, expectations, and agreements with others.

Eventually, after years of repeating cycle after cycle of dysfunctional communication, leaving her body to attend to others' needs, and seeking perfection in areas that she never felt like "enough" in, so she could avoid the drama that came along with disappointing others....she burned out...and lost a few people in her life along the way.

Once she could no longer "hold it all together" anymore, her soul gave her the disruption that she needed -- it called her out -- so that she could stop trying to be what she thought she should be in order to receive love from others.

So that she could clear the way and make space for herself to BE the embodiment of love.

It was quite the journey, but she had an amazing set of tools to get her through it.

The funny thing is that once she started to embody love -- to love herself, love her body, and align with the love of the Universe -- she attracted the kind of love she'd been looking for her entire life.

A partner who treats her like an absolute Goddess (and tells her that she is constantly).

Who sees her imperfections as part of what makes her an inherently perfect being who doesn't have to prove herself.

Who affirms and reflects the love and beauty that he sees emanating from her body and spirit.

Who shares an intimacy and connection with her that she'd never known she could have.

And now, she feels more in love with herself and with the world than ever before.

I want to share the tools with you, so that you can begin to Embody Love and, as a result, experience the well-being, the expansion, the attraction, the magnetism, the abundance, the beauty, the sensuality, the playfulness, the joy, and the pleasure, all start to unfold and show up in your life.

I'm calling in 10 women who are ready for this kind of life now.

Is that you?

Find out more details here.

✨And, never forget, you are valuable, you are a powerful cosmic force and you are SO loved.

Korynn xx

Embodied Love with Human Design
When Dance Does the Healing: An Embodied Experience of Learning to Love Myself Again

When Dance Does the Healing: An Embodied Experience of Learning to Love Myself Again

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective: Self-Love Mantras by Type for Mercury Retrograde 🌙✨

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective: Self-Love Mantras by Type for Mercury Retrograde 🌙✨