The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

Download the Deep Rest Kit

This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.

Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - October 7, 2019 - Depth, Intuition, Resources + Wake Up Calls ðŸŒ™âœ¨

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - October 7, 2019 - Depth, Intuition, Resources + Wake Up Calls ðŸŒ™âœ¨

October 7, 2019

This week: Depth, Intuition, Resources + Wake Up Calls ðŸŒ™âœ¨

BODY: Spleen and lymphatic system. Drink warm lemon water to flush out toxins. Load up on adaptogens like ashwagandha or reishi mushrooms to calm the nervous system (and that vata, Libra anxiety).

SOUL: Trust your intuition and the messages you start to receive. Take stock of your finances to feel more grounded. Remember to have integrity. And be open to receiving the wake-up call you might need to shake things up and propel you into action or a change and/or to finally get off the fence and make a decision.

Watch the full report with planetary transits in the video below!

And, always remember, you are valuable, you are a powerful cosmic force and you are SO lovedʉϬ

Korynn xx





Your Openness in the Human Design Chart is Where You're Meant to Become Wise

Your Openness in the Human Design Chart is Where You're Meant to Become Wise

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - September 12, 2019 - Realization and OpennessʉϬ

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - September 12, 2019 - Realization and OpennessʉϬ