Download the Deep Rest Kit
This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.
Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:
When: ongoing
Come and explore Altered States of Consciousness with me for the transitions from Spring to Summer to Autumn and Winter. This series of Medicine Journeys highlights the potency of these times for the Feminine.
The changes of the seasons are a time for us to re-calibrate—to tend to our gardens, harvest the fruits of all that we’ve grown throughout the year, and to expand our capacity to receive and hold pleasure, wealth, and nourishment.
Join the BeingVibrational newsletter to be notified about exact event dates + details (plus receive a 10% off coupon for Human Design Reader Trainings).
“Korynn’s voice is so soothing. She’ll take you on a journey that’s beyond timelines and the waking imagination. Her wisdom will uplift you while simultaneously making you feel safe and held.”
“Korynn Elliott is an amazing and gifted healer. She uses the essence and energy of Nature to quickly bring about profoundly positive shifts and healing. By working with Korynn, I was able to transform my fear of change into a deep feeling of hope and peace.”
“Such a lovely meditation. Korynn also has a perfect meditation voice.”
When: March 2, 2022 at 4pm PST
Join us and Medicine Woman, Korynn Elliott, for a Collective Energy Cleanse on the Pisces New Moon.
This collective energy cleanse will support you by clearing any lingering negative emotions and vibrational frequencies that are in your body, mind and energetic field, and are creating conflict or disharmony in any aspect of your life and in the world around you.
Join us for a dreamy evening journey back Home - back Home to our bodies, our hearts, our desires, and to the truth of who we are.
Lay down your worries while Korynn Elliott, our resident Human Design Educator & Medicine Woman, guides you on a restful journey through the constellations of your body, mind, and soul.
Here, you’ll meet with your Wise Council and the allies that will hold and support you through these transitional times. We’ll plant some seeds of heartfelt intention in the cosmos and close with some Sound Medicine to welcome you back Home.
Date: December 2, 2021
Where: any device, on Zoom.
Hosted by the Integrated Wellness Center.
“This Shamanic Journey definitely planted some seeds. Afterward, I was automatically doing all of the self-care things that I should be doing every night (but don’t, for whatever reason), and it’s carrying into today too. I’m loving the wellness membership. It is exactly what I want.”
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