Download the Deep Rest Kit
This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.
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The Sun is in the Gate 34 and the Earth is in the Gate 20.
Where most people track the transits of the Sun, we track both the Sun and the Earth because we all feel the energy of both of these archetypes (after all, we do live on planet Earth).
The Sun is highlighting the Gate 34. The Gate of Great Power. A calm, grounded power. This is not about pushing or forcing. It is about visualizing the outcome of your choices and waiting for correct timing.
Our grounding force this week is the Gate 20. Patience and Presence. This is the gift of contemplation, empowerment, and integrity while trusting in divine timing, and then transforming higher knowledge, insight and awareness into action.
**This week is unique because the Gate 34 and Gate 20 create the Manifesting Generator channel in the HD chart. Anyone born within the next six days will be an MG because this Channel is defined by the Sun and the Earth.
A note on listening to audio contemplations: don’t take them too seriously. If they overwhelm or confuse you, stop listening to them and go back to the basic descriptions of the Gates. They are enough.
In which phase of my menstrual cycle am I in?
(Follicular aka Inner Spring, Ovulation aka Inner Summer, Luteal aka Inner Autumn, Menstruation aka Inner Winter, or Menopause aka Second Spring)
What feels most resonant for me about the transits this week?
Do they feel easier or more challenging? Is there a particular aspect of these transits that puts me at ease or feels more challenging?
Do I have either of the Gates defined in my Human Design chart? If yes, where?
What have I learned about these Gates/Gene Keys that will change the way I’ll move through the next few days, the week, or season (or inner season)?
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