Human Design Money Archetypes
Work with the gifts and shadows of your Human Design. Get paid while being absolutely true to who you are.
Other archetypes or words that are used for the Projector are:
Gifts: Managing, guiding and facilitating creation. If you're a Projector (aka Orchestrator), you may naturally be called to be a guide, a lighthouse, or someone who shows others how they can effectively use their energy in order to turn ideas and inspiration into creation or manifestation.
Because you hold so much wisdom within, it’s important for you to spend your time and energy focusing on honing (and finding joy in) your craft, rather than sharing your wisdom without others asking you for it—because sometimes they just aren’t ready to hear it. Wisdom takes time to integrate. In the meantime, it’s also important to get the rest you need. When you’re holding as much space (energy) as you so naturally do, it’s so crucial to just be in your own energy for a little while each day or night. Or, you could just get a little crazy and spend a weekend away :)
Famous Projectors: Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela
Another archetype or word that is used for the Generator is: ALCHEMIST
Gifts: Achieving Mastery over time. If you’re a healthy Generator, you generally have a sustainable amount of energy to work over longer periods of time, in order to achieve mastery and bring ideas into form. This is mostly the case when you’re doing what brings you a deep sense of satisfaction, and often very importantly, you're responding to a need in the world.
However, don’t let the idea that you have a lot of working energy fool you into thinking that you’re just here to be a Worker Bee and that rest isn’t important for you. You’re really only here to be putting your precious, magnetic life force energy into the things that feel like a full-bodied “yes” to you. You know that saying,“if it’s not a ‘Hell yes’, it’s a ‘NO’”? It applies here.
Famous Generator: Oprah Winfrey
Other archetypes or words used for the Manifesting Generator are:
Gifts: Finding shortcuts to mastery. If you’re a Manifesting Generator, you're likely a very creative person (don’t get hung up about what the word “creativity” means—this doesn’t always mean you like to paint or draw). Also, you might find that it comes naturally to you to create shortcuts to get things done more quickly or to master something.
However, when you find the patience within, you do have the sustainable energy to work over longer periods of time in order to bring things to complete manifestation. This is mostly the case as long as you’re doing what brings you a deep sense of satisfaction, fulfills your creativity, and when you're responding to a need in the world. (note: When you’re taking constant initiative and not responding to a need, you run the risk of being busy, following idea after idea and burning out.)
Famous Manifesting Generator: Martin Luther King Jr.
Other archetypes or words used for the Reflector are:
Gifts: Being a karmic mirror or barometer for the world. As a Reflector you are truly unique (a part of just 1% of the population) and you serve a unique role that can help the rest of humanity make decisions that can improve the welfare of all.
You're likely highly sensitive and empathic, and because you can easily feel the energy of your environment, you're a perfect reflection of the health and energetic vibration of the people and the community that surrounds you. Without effort, you internally measure—and reflect—the human condition and human potential. Because of this, it’s important to create the right social and physical environments around you so that you’re supported in your own desires, purpose, and health.
In an ideal world, we'd all have a collectively supported Reflector around to show us how we're doing and how we can all heal and improve.
Famous Reflector: Sandra Bullock
Other archetypes or words for the Manifestor are:
Gifts: The ability to initiate on ideas, creative endeavors, and movements. If you’re a healthy Manifestor, you likely already (effortlessly) take action on your ideas or inspirations whenever you feel like it. As long as they feel good for you to do so then you’re on the right track. You tend to be naturally influential because you get bursts of focused, creative energy flow and you intuitively know how to turn creative ideas into concepts, projects, or movements that others want to get behind.
You can also be good at being able to introspect and self-assess because only you truly know what you want and how you feel. However, if you’re ever asked to explain yourself it might be frustrating for you because it can be hard to put words to the vision you have or to the way you feel.
Famous Manifestor: Johnny Depp