Download the Deep Rest Kit
This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.
Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:
In this interactive class you'll learn the feeling-sensing-somatic-vibrational experience of each Human Design Type and how to attune to the unique needs of each.
Class sequence:
Check-in and Internal Weather
Why we’re all here and what we all want
Human Design Attunement™ Experience (at 5:53 mins). Don’t skip this.
Discussion and shares: The unique needs of each Type (at 41:23 mins)
Skills exercises (at 1:08:54 mins)
Compassion and pure appreciation for client situations (as Readers)
Metta/Loving-kindness meditation (source: Buddhist-Jewish teacher Silvia Boorstein)
First, no matter what your Type is, we all want to be seen for who we are and who/what our true nature actually is.
Manifestors - Manifestors want to feel appreciated, understood, and heard. They want someone to receive their energy, to be understood in how they operate, and they want people to understand that they need time to retreat. A huge thing with Manifestors is for them to not be asked a lot of questions. They don't always know how to explain themselves, nor do they want to! The one thing I've noticed every single Manifestor in my life says is: "I just want people to stay out of my way." Manifestors also often need to do one thing at a time; to get in the flow of one thing, one idea, one creative process, until the next inspiration feels right to act on.
Reflectors - Reflectors do well when they listen to their lunar cycles and female cycles (as women). They do well when leaning into rest cycles, knowing when it's time for retreat and being themselves (and being ok with that instead of comparing themselves to others), and when to work. Reflectors want to be seen as the cyclical beings they are.
Projectors - Projectors need to have their innate qualities and gifts recognized. They need to be invited to do things that are line with their gifts. They need "me time" and space for themselves to be in their wave (especially when they're Emotional Projectors) and for emptying out the conditioning they receive from the Sacral energy of the world. Words of Affirmation is often the Projector Love Language.
Manifesting Generators - MG's need to be lit up. Our MG in this call said "If it doesn't light me up it's draining me. If I'm not lit up I go into my Line 2 cave." Manifesting Generators also need to have time to themselves and to not be expected to always be social butterflies. They also need to not be expected to focus on just one thing at a time.
Generators - Generators need to feel lit up as well or if they aren't they can sometimes feel a bit depressed. They need to be around people who appreciate them and don't drain or use their energy. They need to have a good work/life balance and to not be expected to have all of the energy or to be lit up all of the time. One of the most common complaints I hear about the Generator types is that they don't want to be seen as "the work horses of the world".
We all have human needs!
We all need to be seen for being human beings!
We all have seasons and we all need to honor our own cycles of rest, work, and play. We're not all the same, all of the time.
And that's a good thing!
Copyright 2015-2025+ The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott. All rights reserved.