What is True Nature? True Nature = who you are at your core. Your essence. Your gifts. Your qualities. Your Essential Self.


True Nature Human Design™ is about knowing yourself and knowing your needs through the lens of your Human Design Chart.


Is Human Design a tool for knowing yourself?

What does it mean to live your True Nature?

Resource: Ayurvedic Dosha Quiz


  • According to the dosha quiz above, what is (are) your True Nature dosha(s)?

  • What dosha(s) are out of balance?

  • Do the qualities of this dosha align with your Human Design Type Not-Self theme?

Not-Self Themes For Reference:

  • Projector Not-Self theme = Bitterness

Bitterness could be an unbalanced expression of pitta (fire + water) or kapha (water + earth) dosha.

Bitterness Qualities: heated, sour, stewing, resentful, passive aggressive, aversion.

  • Manifestor Not-Self theme = Anger

Anger could be an unbalanced expression of pitta (fire + water) or vata (air + ether) dosha.

Anger Qualities: heat rising, spicy, frustrated, agitated, impatient, rejection.

  • Generator Not-Self theme = Frustration

Frustration could be an unbalanced expression of pitta (fire + water), vata (air + ether), or kapha (water + earth) dosha.

Frustration Qualities: excess heat that’s unable to be dispelled, aggravation, agitation, lack of direction, stubborn.

  • Reflector Not-Self theme = Disappointment

Disappointment could be an unbalanced expression of kapha (water + earth) dosha.

Disappointment Qualities: cool/solid, sluggish, sad, stubborn, complacent, hopeless, unmoving/attached, possessive.

  • Manifesting Generator Not-Self theme = Anger + Disappointment (see above for Manifestor + Generator imbalances)

>> The point of all of this is to help you begin to approach Human Design holistically.

A quick quote from Ra Uru Hu about Human Design and your True Nature.


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