This is your week to sit with, integrate, and Practice doing HD Readings. See your resources below.



Remember: I Love My BodyGraph is about viewing, understanding, and loving the BodyGraph as something that is holistic—something that has many different parts, but the WHOLE is even greater.

This is how we want to perceive our clients (or anyone we read a chart for)—as WHOLE human beings. So if they are struggling in one area of life or another, that means we want to help bring them back to balance; to feel a sense of wholeness.


What area of life are my clients out of balance?

What do they want to change?

What are their needs, wants, and desires?

Where in their chart (aura/body-mind) are they lacking sufficient energy and/or amplifying the negative expression of an energy? (ex. Open Centers)


In Ayurveda and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) the key to well-being in all areas of life is a balance in prana or qi. There is also prana or chi in the Human Design BodyGraph.

Also, in these systems, like increases like. So if someone is experiencing an imbalance where they have too much of a specific energy in their life (through conditioning or even if they are experiencing their “not-self” or “emotional theme” theme) then the goal is to decrease that energy through deconditioning.

If they’re experiencing an imbalance where they don’t have enough of a specific energy, then it’s also time for them to decondition (decrease or neutralize energies that are taking up too much space in their aura/body/mind) and then to increase the positive expression of the energy that they already have through their defined Centers, the gifts of their undefined Centers, or simply by placing themselves into the energy/environment of what they desire.

Here’s a resource that you can download and share with anyone you’re doing a reading for, to help them pinpoint what they’re needing help with and/or what area of life they’re out of balance.


  1. Revisit the Core Level 2 Modules for Level 2 teachings, references, and PDFs so you feel extra prepared.

  2. Visit the All Levels Human Design Reading Demo Library and watch the Level 1 and 2 readings to get a feel for how to facilitate a reading.

  3. Revisit your Level 2 HD Planner to create a Reading schedule, take notes, and know what you need for Certification.


  1. Download the Quick Reference HD Session Framework (for all Levels).

  2. Download the guide to Questioning by Type for your readings.

  3. Download the RECIPE™ for a Level 2 Human Design Reading (Template + Guide) so you know how to structure a Reading and what to cover in your Level 2 readings.

  4. If you don’t have clients to do readings for: reach out to friends and family members who you feel comfortable with, or post on your socials that you’re offering a limited number of 20-minute Human Design Readings to practice for your HD certification (most people are willing to help when you’re honest and they might even book another (paid) session with you later because they’ll love what you’re sharing with them)! Or, reach out to other Level 1 Readers in the Mind-Body HD School Telegram Group and ask if you can do practice readings with them.

  5. Start practicing. You don’t have to do it perfect. Make it fun and exploratory! You’ve got this.



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Korynn xx


All materials Copyright The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott 2015-2025+. All Rights Reserved. Legal