for Level 3 Human Design Readers


Most of the time, we’re very unclear on our intentions. We’re usually never asked what exactly we want (nor do we really ask ourselves), and so we often just don’t know or we’re afraid of clear intentions out of fear of failure or rejection.

The result of this is that we’re all mostly walking around in resistance, reaction, or response mode to life, through the Not-Self. And, by default, we’re conditioning each other with our projections, internal frustrations, hidden agendas, inability to harness our own attention, and our lack of personal clarity.

But we have way more power than that. We are creator-beings. We are here to be much more deliberate and kind to ourselves and each other by embracing a sense of Self-responsibility.

And by partnering with our Soul or essential Self (with a capital S) to help us understand why it decided to inhabit this body, this design, in this lifetime, on this planet, we can re-orient ourselves to clear Self-intentions and more Self-fulfillment (and less resistance).

In this meditation you’re going to gain clarity on how to do that and you’ll learn what your Primary and Secondary Self intentions are. Once you’ve practiced this enough and become more attuned to your empowered Self energy, you’ll get a feeling for how you can begin to get your clients thinking about what their true intentions are too.

Imagine if we all took personal responsibility for our actions and intentions! (I believe it’s our job as Mind-Body HD Readers to facilitate this global transition into 2027 with empowered Self energy…but it starts with us.)

Close your eyes and lean back. Don’t worry about watching the video. You can can just listen and be guided by the meditation.


Copyright 2015-2025+ The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott. All rights reserved.