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Human Design Money Archetypes

Work with the gifts and shadows of your Human Design. Get paid while being absolutely true to who you are.

Ep 10: Why We’re Designed For Human Connection: An Interview with Lily Potter

Ep 10: Why We’re Designed For Human Connection: An Interview with Lily Potter

The first interview on The Lighthouse: Human Design Podcast! Lily Potter and I riff on why we need human connection as mammals, from a brain-based perspective and from a Human Design perspective.

Mentioned in this episode:

Get your FREE Human Design chart + a superpowers mini-reading at  >> thezenfemme.com

Got questions about Human Design? Visit me at instagram.com/thezenfemme and send me a DM. I may just be able to answer your Q on the podcast!

Learn more about Lily Potter and her work at www.lilyhopepotter.com.

Korynn xx

Wildly Human: A Human Design Podcast {Season 3 Podcast}

Wildly Human: A Human Design Podcast {Season 3 Podcast}

Ep 9: Your Personality Profile (Find Out What Those Numbers Mean!)

Ep 9: Your Personality Profile (Find Out What Those Numbers Mean!)