Human Design Reader Training

Learn the Artistry of Human Design and Become a Professional Human Design Reader

Enrollment Closing March 2025


Since you’re here, you’ve already seen the potential in Human Design. You’ve probably read a ton of information out there, and you may have even checked out other Reader trainings.

But, some of it isn’t quite sitting well with you, and you’re looking for something a bit…different, that you can’t quite put your finger on.

In a world where Human Design knowledge is now becoming commonplace, social media is rife with “Type” memes, and the teachings out there are beginning to look same-same: it's time to transcend the ordinary, to differentiate, and to get to the roots of why we all want to know our design in the first place, so we can use it to actually make a difference in people’s lives.

This training program changes the way you perceive and utilize Human Design.

First, we know that the body isn’t just a vessel; it holds immense wisdom waiting to be tapped into, revealed, and felt—just like your Human Design does.

We also recognize that right now there’s a big disconnection between Human Design knowledge and how it’s actually expressed in our daily lives. How it relates to our physical bodies, how we feel, our minds, our relationships, and what we can do with Human Design to heal what we need to heal and create lasting change in our world.

So, in this training, we go well beyond theoretical knowledge and uncover the transformative potential of Human Design through integration with mind-body therapies and bioenergetics, in order to become a truly powerful resource for self-discovery and authentic self-expression.

Explore the pathways that connect your energetic design, emotions, and physical sensations; leading you to breakthroughs, empowerment, and abundance as a result.

This is more than a mind journey—it’s a somatic journey that invites you to cultivate a deeper connection with your body, allowing you to integrate the true wisdom of your design into your cellular memory so it can live through you.

With this, you’ll become equipped with the tools and the skills to help you support clients with grounding the insights of their Human Design into their daily lives and help them get to the root cause of whatever is stopping them from healing, or having what they actually want in their lives.


Here’s how you’ll become a skilled, Professional Human Design Reader:


first, You’ll go to the roots with LEVEL 1

In this 4-week training, you’ll learn:

  • How to populate, read and understand your chart + the charts of other people.

  • What Human Design really is and its history + origins.

  • The anatomy of a Human Design chart and what each part means.

  • Wisdom around the 5 Human Design energy types and the gifts of each type.

  • A grounded approach to the Strategies of each type.

  • All about the Inner Authorities and where your sovereignty actually lives.

  • How Human Design can be used as a transformational tool to help people thrive in relationships, money, career, business, parenting (or re-parenting), and more.

  • Human Design Embodiment. Knowledge without practice, experience, and embodiment renders it useless. Receive intro practices for regulating your nervous system and dropping into empowered Self energy, to set the tone for a more grounded, intentional and transformative Human Design experience.

  • Human Design Attunement™ - a sensory, experiential HD attunement + skills class where you’ll learn the feeling-sensing-somatic-vibrational experience of each Human Design Type and how to attune to the unique needs of each of them.

  • Introduction to True Nature Human Design™ - know yourself and know your needs through the lens of your Human Design chart. Plus, understand the distinct qualities and patterns of different aspects of your Human Design chart (and why it matters to know them).

  • How to communicate with each type and ask the right questions so you can get to the source of your clients’ needs and facilitate more powerful readings (while also increasing your confidence as a Reader).

  • How to anchor into your true nature and then become familiar with your not-self so you know how to catch it when its patterns emerge (and how to recognize it in others during readings).

  • How to use all of these tools to facilitate Level 1 Readings (guides and templates included).

How to Read Human Design Charts

Then, you’ll Grow into LEVEL 2

In this 4-week training, you’ll learn:

  • How to read a Human Design chart in even more depth and detail (with a more holistic and embodied approach).

  • How to give less information and incite more action and embodiment in the people you’re reading for.

  • In-depth teachings and wisdom of the 9 Energy Centers.

  • The shadow and light frequencies of each Energy Center and the types of conditioning that can commonly happen with each Center.

  • Each of the 6 Lines and the 12 Profiles in-depth, and about their archetypes.

  • How all of the 9 Centers and 12 Profiles can affect your life, relationships and work.

  • How to assess what area of life a client is needing help with when they come to you for a Human Design reading.

  • How to facilitate Level 2 Readings (guide and template included)

  • BONUS class: Sacred Sleep by Human Design. Did you know we do our deepest healing in sleep + dream states of consciousness? Learn how to read Sleep Design Charts. Plus experience a deep sleep healing for yourself.

  • BONUS class: How to Do a Life Purpose Reading (includes descriptions of all 64 Human Design Gates and a template to facilitate your reading). This is an advanced class and you’ll get access to it in this training.




  • Human Design for Financial Nourishment - A course that gives you Human Design wisdom and somatic tools to help you expand your capacity to receive, hold, and feel safe with money, and to allow it into your life as a resource for provision and nourishment. This course sells for $197, but it’s included when you become a Human Design Reader.

  • Group Mentorship Calls and HD Practice Sessions - Enroll now and get access to seasonal LIVE support calls. Learn new skills, get your questions answered, discuss themes, and get a chance to practice Human Design readings within a compassionate and supportive space.

  • Human Design Reading Demo Library - Learn by observing hours of recorded Human Design readings and then use what you learn to cultivate your own style.

  • Recipes™ for HD Readings - templates, worksheets and tutorials to guide you through facilitating the many different types of Human Design readings.

  • Human Design Chart Calculator - a place where you can populate, store charts, and create printable PDFs of them. This includes the ability to create advanced charts like Relationship Charts, Transit Charts, and charts that include Chiron Gates ($50/month value).

  • Move Your BodyGraph - Spotify playlists for the body-based Human Design Centers. This music medicine will help you attune to the energy and feeling of each Center. Also good for moving energy, de-conditioning and integration.

  • A class on How to Work With the Transits: The Human Design New Year and the True Aquarian Age.

  • The Deconditioning Library - Mind-Body tools for your own deconditioning process plus coaching tools and ideas for you to share with your own clients during readings.

  • Sacral Sound Medicine - a special experiential skills class for working with (and deconditioning from) Sacral energy before, during, and after readings. For all HD types.

  • Plus, access to our LIVE Human Design Circle calls and our private community.




“Your Human Design trainings were the very first to teach me how to truly find freedom in my design as a Generator and in my Sacral authority, and then showed me how to bring that message of freedom to my clients. You really share from such a deep level and it’s beautiful. I still refer back to these trainings to this day.”
— Jamie L. (Generator)
“As someone who’s been in the online self-growth world for years, I’ve purchased so many courses and didn’t finish them, but with this one I loved it so much that I actually finished it all the way through.”
— Jana K. (Projector, Certified Human Design Reader)


You’ll be able to use Human Design as a way to more deeply understand yourself, really know your potential, and heal your patterns (and maybe even your body).

You’ll also be able to use it as a transformational coaching tool for your clients.

Or, use it to understand, connect, and communicate better with others in relationships.

And, if nothing else, to just know how to skillfully read charts and provide valuable insights for the people in your life.

“I’ve been able to implement Human Design in my career as a hairstylist. Knowing how my clients need to make decisions or get their points across about what they want has helped me so much! Getting my client’s charts and giving them quick 5 minute audios on important aspects of their charts has been so fun and informative for both myself and them, making them want to dive deeper. This opens the door for me to do readings for a higher fee!

The courses were so clear and easily understood. I’ve watched them over and over again that way I know off the top of my head whenever I’m in conversation about Human Design. Most people have still never heard of it and I’m so proud to share it!”
— Wendy W. (Manifestor)

If you've been thinking about enrolling in a Human Design reader training, now could be the time if you’ve been looking for something different—something that will help you use Human Design with a purpose—and with an empowering, compassionate approach.

Or, if you’ve wanted a training that will help you use Human Design as a way to facilitate true results in people’s lives…instead of just being able to give people cool information about themselves (but of course you’ll be able to do that too 😊)



This is the only training out there that will prepare you for skillfully reading Human Design charts with a truly holistic, mind-body approach.

This is a simply elegant, easy to follow training that emphasizes the simply elegant parts of Human Design. Rather than being linear, prescriptive or dogmatic, it shows you how to approach, embody, read and share the wisdom of Human Design with skill, confidence and authenticity, while also honoring depth and nuance.

By taking this training you’ll be qualified to continue on to the advanced Level 3 training, which goes deep into the Feminine Human Design™ and Human Design of the Body teachings.


Enrollment closing March 2025



Meet Your Teacher, Korynn Elliott


Korynn Elliott—a 2/4 Splenic Projector, RAX of the Vessel of Love—is a practitioner and teacher of Mind-Body Medicine and Human Design. She's been working with and studying whole-human medicine for 20+ years, and with Human Design systems for over 10 years.

Korynn especially feels called to help heal the Feminine (yin) in relationship to Self, body, earth, each other, and our resources (including money) via her Feminine Human Design™ teachings, her PhD research on altered states of consciousness (without substances), spiritual ecology, movement and embodiment for healing in women, and in her life as a mother and highly-sensitive person.

Her work has been featured on top podcasts, as well as publications such as National Geographic, Psychology Today, and Spirituality & Health. She lives in Hawaii with her partner and daughter.




Have questions about Become a Human Design Reader? Here are some answers:

Q: What is the format of the training?

A: The format is in video and pdf.

Q: Are the classes time-bound?

A: The main Level 1 and 2 trainings are self-study/self-paced and it is encouraged that you be intentional and devotional with your learning journey. Please take your time, re-watch videos, and give yourself time and space for integration, mastery, and practice. You will have Lifetime Access to the core self-study materials.

Q: Does this training include mentorship?

A: Yes, when you enroll now you’ll be able to join us for seasonal group mentorship calls. This is where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and/or receive coaching.

Q: Is this a beginner's course and will I actually be able to implement everything with clients?

A: Yes to both! Become a Human Design Reader includes Levels 1 and 2 trainings and is great for beginners. It will give you the foundational knowledge and more in-depth knowledge/practice so you'll be able to implement what you've learned with clients right away. Many students go through Levels 1 and 2 and already start reading charts for clients with just these two trainings alone.

Q: Will I receive a Certification?

A: When you Become a Human Design Reader and complete Level 3 you’ll be able to receive a Certificate of Completion. After that, clients will be referred to you and you’ll be listed as a Certified Mind-Body Human Design Reader on the Find a Human Design Reader website. A Certification Planner is provided to you immediately upon enrollment in these first two levels so you can work toward receiving a Certification in Level 3.

Q: Can I skip Levels 1+2 and just enroll in Level 3 now?

A: Level 3 is only available to those who have completed Levels 1+2 first.

Q: Are Gates covered in this training?

A: Yes, you’ll receive materials on how to work with the 64 Gates in various capacities in Level 2. Gates and Channels are then covered in-depth in the Level 3 training.

Q: Are Variables covered in the training?

A: Variables are covered in Level 3.

Q: Does this include business training for readers?

A: Korynn speaks to some business models for Readers in Levels 1+2 but the focus in the first two levels is on you establishing a solid foundation and integration of Human Design, and becoming a skilled Human Design Reader.

Q: Do you offer refunds?

A: No refunds are available and all sales are final. Please make sure to check-in with your inner authority to determine if the program is right for you before enrolling.



“What I liked most about the Mind-Body HD school is that it felt so open ended and flexible. It did not look or feel like any other Human Design training I saw and I loved the focus on embodiment and integration. There was also a balance between self-study and live calls which I loved. Korynn has a unique, warm and friendly energy that I was drawn to right away. I am just starting to help others with Human Design and now feel confident enough to do so after taking this training!”
— Heather M. (Projector, Certified Human Design Reader)

Enrollment closing March 2025




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