The Art + Science of Receiving and What That Means in Feminine Human Design.
We’re always receiving.
As a woman (with her Chiron/Wounded Healer in the Gate 2), sometimes the idea of being open to receiving makes me nervous. So, as a result, I’ve often cut myself off from the stream of good things that the Universe tries to send my way.
Whether we believe in a “Universe” or not, there’s actually an Art and Science to receiving. Here it is - from a Feminine Human Design perspective:
We are always receiving.
The neutrino stream is always bringing us fractals of light to dance with. A stream of flavors and colors and qualities for our bodies, minds, and souls to interface with.
Our bodies are always receiving.
The magnetic monopole in our body is our main universal receiving device. Magnetizing vibrations like sound for us to play cords with (others) as a part of this divine orchestra of Love.
We tune our bodies and minds and emotions so that we can play at our best, so that we’re a vibrational match for the best, so that the acoustics of our bodies resonate Love inward and outward, and back into the Universe.
Divine orchestration.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term Magnetic Monopole, I’ll try to explain it in words. It‘s essentially the Heart Center. Not the physical heart, but the center for Love and Direction. In Human Design, depending on whose perspective you’re viewing it from, it’s referred to as the G-Center, or the Identity Center, or the Calibration Center, or the Magnetic Monopole.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s the result of the Heart Chakra being so powerful that, years ago, it became two Centers instead of just one. On the Human Design chart, you can see the (formerly one) Heart Chakra now as the G-Center and the Ego/Will Center. These two Centers - the G-Center and the Ego/Will Center - combined make up the former Heart Chakra.
The G-Center is where the Magnetic Monopole lives.
I like to think of the Magnetic Monopole as the same thing as the core of the Earth. It pulls things in just like the core of the Earth pulls things in (gravity). In this way, our bodies really are the pure manifestation of Earth energy, and our hearts are at our core.
So, with this Magnetic Monopole pulling things in…gravitating (if that’s a word)…magnetizing, we’re always receiving. In fact, the Gate 2 is the Feminine Gate of Receiving and it lives at the base of the Magnetic Monopole.
You could say that’s the Science of it. Or the mechanics. Or the observation of the mechanics.
The Art of Receiving, by definition, is a practice of it.
While we’re always receiving anyway, there’s still a beautiful art to receiving what we actually want and what feels good. I think that’s where my confusion about receiving got muddied up somewhere along the way, and that’s a part of why it’s felt unsafe for me to receive sometimes.
The most simple way to describe the way that I now practice receiving what I want is by calibrating my emotions. And, the way that I do that is by putting myself into more positive emotional states (aka feeling good). And, I do that by:
Breathing. And feeling the sensations of breath in my body.
Tending to my nervous system. I practice feeling safe in my body so that when I’m triggered emotionally or I feel anxious about receiving, I remember how I can return to a sense of safety in my body.
Doing what feels good. Indulging in small pleasures at first, and then attuning my body-mind to the bigger pleasures.
Basking. I like to think of this like basking in the sun, only not just fully taking in the sunlight but taking in and allowing the nourishing and supportive nature of everything good around me to fill me up to the brim. (This is easy to do in nature. Think: Forest Bathing)
Just writing about this makes my body tingle. It feels good to practice receiving.
Now, how about you? As a woman, how easy is it for you to receive?
Do you, like me, get into a pattern of unconsciously closing yourself off from receiving the beautiful things that you really want in your life? If so, I hope that this post helps to bring some awareness to that so that more women like us can practice receiving all the good things (since we’re all receiving anyway).
With so much Love,
Korynn xx
If you’re someone who wants to not only receive more—but also have more—money, watch the
Financial Nourishment Workshop.