The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

Download the Deep Rest Kit

This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.

Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:

The Human Design of the Menstrual Cycle

The Human Design of the Menstrual Cycle

{This RHYTHMS class will now be offered as a low-cost separate option}

Discover more about how to calm your nervous system and your endocrine system through the lens of Feminine Human Design and Women's Integrative + Functional Medicine.

Human Design isn't just about intellectually knowing who you are, it can be used for deeper purposes like knowing how *your* body works and allowing your body to guide you through the challenging seasons of your life.

BODY first, right?

Macinsey’s Rhythm

Macinsey’s Rhythm

Human Design Empowerment for Your Journey Through Womanhood