The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

Download the Deep Rest Kit

This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.

Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - Revolutions in Life, Relationships and Agreements

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - Revolutions in Life, Relationships and Agreements

HUMAN DESIGN WEATHER REPORT for the Collective — this week: August 12, 2019

Revolutions in life, relationships, and agreements ✨

Affirmations: I trust that all the right answers will be revealed to me when I’m clear, deliberate and empowered. When I take guided actions to revolutionize and create lasting change in my life. I’m ready to redefine and recreate all agreements in my life to align them with my true values. I only make agreements that acknowledge my beauty, my strength, my value and my worth. My relationships are mutually respectful, loving, honoring and communicative. I set good boundaries for myself and take actions that are unconditionally loving and respectful of my partners and myself 💕

Always remember, you are a powerful cosmic force and you are SO loved. Xx

Korynn xx






The most recent episode: Instead of looking to external authority figures for all the answers, learn how to leverage your unique inner authority.

You've got the wisdom within.

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - August 22, 2019 - DEVOTION, embodying the goddess, seduction + desire ✨

Human Design Weather Report for the Collective - August 22, 2019 - DEVOTION, embodying the goddess, seduction + desire ✨

Life in New Zealand as a Swiss Mama Entrepreneur

Life in New Zealand as a Swiss Mama Entrepreneur