Where Human Design meets money and nervous system healing resources so you can feel confident to lean into your true nature and to be deeply resourced as a result.
Download the Deep Rest Kit
This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.
Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:
All tagged rest medicine
Where Human Design meets money and nervous system healing resources so you can feel confident to lean into your true nature and to be deeply resourced as a result.
A Path to Living, Working, and Leading Softly
This 12-minute rest medicine is so amazing for getting back into the body, balancing excess kapha or vata, and healing the body through rest, the breath, and warm light. Lay back, get comfortable and allow yourself to slip away into a warm and cozy bliss for this winter solstice.