The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

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Channeling Rumi

Channeling Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.

— Rumi


March 27, 2021

The poetry of the Sufi mystic, Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī (also simply known as Rumi) feels especially inspiring these days.

The Sun and Earth are in transit through Human Design Gates 17 and 18. While Rumi wasn’t an Aries, he was a Libra who was born with the Gates 18 and 17 in his conscious Sun and Earth, respectively.

Rumi wrote many famous pieces, but his words about letting go of the ideals that the world tends to impose upon us feel simple, soothing, and true to this day. The irony of this poem is that it sort of goes directly against the shadow frequencies of both the Gates 18 and 17 (Perfection and Opinion).

Maybe Rumi had already begun to master his shadows by the time he started to write about such things. Born in the year 1207, I’m sure he had different demands from the world around him, different demands that he placed on himself, and different ways of responding to them. Or, maybe not. Maybe there was so much that was oddly the same. After all, his poetry is still so relatable.

It’s inspiring nonetheless.

Now, off I go to lay down in the dreamy field out beyond the ideas of right and wrong, to look up at the cosmos, to channel Rumi.

Meet you there?

Korynn xx

Kalyani's Rhythm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Kalyani's Rhythm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Monica's Rhythm - Philadelphia, PA

Monica's Rhythm - Philadelphia, PA