As a guest on the Finding Hope Podcast, I’m joined by my Integrative Wellness Membership co-founders, Hope Taylor and Alex Tolan, as we talk about the importance of integration and having support through it.
In this episode, you will hear :
Korynn and Alex’s moments of clarity
Shifting your mentality and opening your eyes to gratitude
The teacher always arrives when the student is ready.
How Korynn brings people through her holistic integration process
Alex's wellness tools to help with the integration
Not using the session as a healing crutch but doing the inner work in between sessions
What the shamanic journey workshop looks like
An overview of Alex’s Release and Receive Distance Reiki
The importance of breathwork and meditation
Some of our amazing offerings for the next six months
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Korynn is a medicine woman and spiritual ecologist with a lifetime of experience in over 13 years of practice apprenticeship and doctoral studies. She's a loving, compassionate guide, wise teacher, and master space holder. Korynn facilitates healing by bringing light to the medicine and the allies that support you and empower you in the process of healing yourself and your lineage. With her loving guidance, you'll un-manifest and un-become all that has been taught and told to you so you can finally return home to your truth – in your mind, body, and spirit.
Alex is a Reiki master combined with her intuitive gifts and sensitivities. She brings these natural gifts that she has been working with her whole life. She has a very clear channel for healing, lifeforce, divine guidance, and unconditional love from Spirit to flow through and to you. Alex provides energetic spiritual and soul alignment to those called to work with her, helping embrace and embody the spiritual being that you are – with compassion and love.
As lightworkers, we want to support others, but we also need to care for ourselves. Otherwise, it would be difficult for us to take care of others. You can't just hold it all together all the time. One of the reasons we got together is to hold space for people in this experience. You are here on purpose, no matter what you feel, no matter where you're at or whatever you're doing. And so, we want to help show you your true potential. Let us explore that with you!