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Human Design Money Archetypes

Work with the gifts and shadows of your Human Design. Get paid while being absolutely true to who you are.

Projectors Know How to Make More Money While Doing Less

Projectors Know How to Make More Money While Doing Less


Ok - so just this morning I found out about another book that is soon to be published (this Summer), written by a fabulous author—who happens to be a Manifesting Generator— around the topic of making “more money while working less.”

Here’s an excerpt from the top of the sales page: “Want to make twice as much money with half the work?”

Reading the description of this new book made me think this:

I wonder why in the world every teacher I see who is teaching about making more money while “doing less”…is a Generator type. “Non-sacral” types (like Projectors) have been doing less since the beginning of time.

Projectors, Manifestors, and Reflectors should be the people we see talking about and teaching everybody how to make more money while doing less. They actually have the most experience with it.

They actually carry the years and years of wisdom and experience to teach, coach, etc on it because they’ve been embodying it since the beginning!

However, at the same time, those of us who are non-sacral types have been furiously trying to conform to the traditional Generator way of being (work, work, work), while the Generators are finally catching onto our way—the do less way—and then teaching others how to do what we’ve been designed to do this whole time.

All of that is ass-backwards. And it isn’t working.

Maybe it’s just the patriarchy or whatever, or maybe it’s because 75% of the population (Generators) is actually teeming with creative energy that needs to be expressed. And sometimes that means a whole lot of doing needs to be done.

But why are Projectors (the ones who are most likely to look outside of themselves) seeking advice from Generators on how to make more money while doing less when it should be the other way around?


Here’s the thing (and this will likely be an unpopular opinion):

We should all be seeking advice from non-sacral types on how to do less and make more money.

Here’s why: Because non-sacral types are so wise about this. They know and they naturally embody this. They’ve had to. They know what it’s like to not have all of the energy in the world; to have no energy left to do more.

Here’s the thing. Projectors are super wise and masterful at managing and guiding the flow of energy. That includes the energy and flow of money.

Manifestors are masterful at pulling genius creative ideas out of thin air and, well, magically “manifesting” them (It isn’t actually magic. They just really know how to get the ball rolling on things and then delegate well—another way to do less).

Reflectors are amazing at showing us how unhealthy some of our ways of working and “earning” money are in the world (Hello capitalism. Hello patriarchy). They also show us that we can thrive financially when we honor our own uniqueness and align with the rhythms of nature and the moon.

I’ve noticed that a lot of Generator types who are teaching about making money while doing less are being (or have been) coached, cheered-on, or supported in some way, shape or form, by a non-sacral type behind the scenes. And, quite often, the Generator type gets all of the recognition. I know that’s a bold comment to make but if you are a Generator type (or you know someone who is) and you’re also teaching on this topic—can you say otherwise? I’m genuinely curious.

And that’s all well and good, but I will say this: if you’re a non-sacral, it’s time to leverage this information.

It’s time to start making more money for the support that you so naturally or effortlessly provide to this overworked world. It’s time to embrace your wise ways and ways of being, knowing that once you embrace this, you’ll be the one making more money while doing—and working—less…instead of trying to do things the traditional Generator way.

Also, this means that you have to value yourself above all else. Because you often can’t expect Generator types to see you as the literal key (that you are) to their ability to make more money while doing less.

FACT: without you, they couldn’t do it. They’d likely just keep going on about their way, working hard to earn more money—and they certainly wouldn’t be in a position to teach about doing less to make more.

Doing less while making more money is in your DNA. Let’s remember this, own this and start to think of all of the ways that we can fully embody this again - now.

I’m here for it. And, I’m cheering you on!

- Korynn xx


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