Closing Out The Old, Entering the New (Authentically)
Here are some journal prompts for a conscious completion of the old and entering the new, in a way that honors your authentic wants, needs, and desires. (feel free to share these prompts with your HD clients)
You can refer to these prompts at the ending and the beginning of any period of transition, whether it’s in a relationship, a project, the end of a season, or the end of a year.
Light a candle.
Breathe. Notice your thoughts, feelings and sensations.
Enjoy :)
Closing Out the Old Reflections
What’s to celebrate? What can I celebrate about the completion of this experience, no matter how small?
How have I grown or changed as a result of this experience?
What were the key moments or turning points in this experience, and what did each teach me?
What can I let go of?
What feelings do I need to release to move forward from this experience with peace?
What aspects of this experience can I accept and let go of, knowing they were necessary for my growth or transformation?
What am I grateful for?
True Nature Human Design
First, we’re going to play a little devil’s advocate with this prompt:
What limitations or labels have I internalized from teachings (like Human Design), and how can I let go of them to embrace a more authentic version of myself?
Next, find out more about some of the nuances of your True Self in the Week 2 trainings of Level 1 (Human Design Attunement and Intro to True Nature Human Design)
When have I felt most aligned with my True Self, and what contributed to that feeling?
Entering the New (Authentically)
In what ways can I express my True Self more freely and authentically moving forward?
What values are most important to me, and how can I prioritize them while entering the new?
What are my true needs, wants, and desires for entering the new, beyond my conditioning, societal expectations, or external pressures?
When I tune into my Inner Authority, what is it telling me is most important for entering the new?
What boundaries do I need to establish or reinforce to stay true to my Essential Self?
How can I incorporate more self-care and nourishment into my daily, weekly, or seasonal rhythm?
If there were no limitations to my dreams, what would I want to be, do, have, or accomplish?
What is one baby step that I am going to take in the next day to move forward authentically, in a way that honors my Self, my body, my energy, and with my needs, wants, desires, and dreams?