The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

Download the Deep Rest Kit

This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.

Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:

Love + Relationship Resources For Partnered/Married Women

Love + Relationship Resources For Partnered/Married Women


Why and how do you and your partner connect?

Sign up here to get a FREE Human Design Soulmate Connection Chart and discover the energy dynamics of your love + attraction.



↠ In this free training you’ll learn:

  • What Makes You Magnetic

  • Heart Resonance

  • How to Fill Your Love Tank or "Vessel"

  • How to Create Enlightened Partnerships



When you love yourself, when you love your body, you un-manifest self-doubt, become a better leader, and invite amazing relationships into your life.

When you’re feeling disconnected from love and intimacy with your partner and you want to refill your love tank, feel magnetic and irresistibly feminine, and create an enlightened partnership instead…


Love + Relationship Resources For Single/Dating Women

Love + Relationship Resources For Single/Dating Women

When Dance Does the Healing: An Embodied Experience of Learning to Love Myself Again

When Dance Does the Healing: An Embodied Experience of Learning to Love Myself Again