The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

Download the Deep Rest Kit

This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.

Tell us where to send yours —it’s free:

Why I Refuse To Watch Marie Kondo's Netflix Series ;)

Why I Refuse To Watch Marie Kondo's Netflix Series ;)

Back in 2015, I was all about the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

But I think I got a little too trigger happy with the whole “does this spark joy?” movement.

I literally went through all of my things (my already minimal amount of things...because I move very often and I cannot stand clutter. I throw shit away ALL of the time) and threw everything out that didn’t spark joy.

I thought I was making space for things that DID spark joy for me. Except that “space” didn’t feel like space (I love space), it only felt like, “Oh crap, now I don’t have a winter jacket for my trip to Vancouver). Also, that “space” lasted a little too long and the things that sparked joy in me took a long time to come.

I threw out or donated my clothes, toiletries, household items, email subscriptions, contacts, people on my email list, programs, electronics, and furniture.

And some of this was my husband’s stuff because to be honest most of the furniture was my husband’s stuff that he bought as a single dude before we got married, and none of that mess sparked joy for sure.

So I ended up with even less clothing, an empty house with no furniture, and no one on my email list.

Plus, this was the first year that I took my business online, so funds were soooo not there to buy things that did spark joy in me (aka clothing from Anthropologie).

At least I kept the Vitamix :)

Now, 4 years later, I feel like my joy sparking factor (as far as my physical possessions go) has been restored. No Marie Kondo needed.

Her book served its purpose. Time to move on - for me at least.


I’m hosting a workshop! Learn how to discover and write your message from soul through Channel Writing.

This is for the rule breakers, the healers, the entrepreneurs, writers AND non-writers who want to learn how to channel what they’re meant to hear and/or share authentically (and in a way that feels way more soulful and fun).


A ritual kit for falling in LOVE with your finances - all while being more kind and loving toward yourself.
Get more clarity than ever before and begin to feel good about money again.

Is Being A Visionary A Curse?

Is Being A Visionary A Curse?