The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

Download the Deep Rest Kit

This resource kit is for you if you're a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP), someone with a lot of openness in your Human Design chart, or you’re just craving rest.

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Freedom, expansion + support. This is what I'm returning to.

Freedom, expansion + support. This is what I'm returning to.

I had a dream.

I had a dream that I was a butterfly.

But first let me give you a little backstory…

I’m a pretty free spirited person. I spend a lot of time connecting with the Universe, visioning (my primary archetype is the Visionary), dreaming (my secondary archetype is the Alchemist) , and adventuring (my third archetype is the Explorer).

Some of these archetypal patterns come from past lives (but I’ll have to tell you all about that another time).

Despite my consistent desire to ignore (and sometimes run like hell away from) all of the “rules” that society expects us to adhere to, sometimes I feel like if I don’t make a conscious effort to stay grounded in my life, I’ll start to look like one of the “crazy ones”.

But back to my dream. Let me tell you about it.

In my dream, I saw myself as a butterfly. I craved freedom and flight, but also felt as if the wind could lift me up at any moment and wisp me away.

But then this feeling, this longing, for support took over me. I desired to be safe. Held.

I desired a safe place (or base) to return to after flight. One that would hold and nurture me and give me space to rest.

Have you ever experienced this feeling? The longing for, and the KNOWING, that you’re free to fly…but that you’ll also always have a safe place (or person) to return to?

Then, in my dream, I saw a beautiful butterfly sitting on the hands of a man. I don’t know who the man was but this man’s hands held the butterfly. His hands provided support and stability and space for her to be nurtured.

Yet the man’s hands didn’t close over her. They were held open, and the butterfly had space to take flight when she pleased.

She was free to fly out into the expansive Universe, but her home base, space, would always be waiting for her. Waiting…neutrally, without expectation, without controlling…for her to land again and rest.

I am that butterfly.

I am free to expand my wings and fly.

And I cultivate support in my life, and space to rest.

And so are you - if you choose.

My words of the year are: freedom, expansion, and support.

These are the words that I will return to and receive again and again. And this is how I’ve already started to bring my dream to life.

How about you? Tell me, what are your words this year? What will you return to?

With love + sweet dreams, always,

Korynn xx

P.S. These are the ways that I am cultivating Freedom, Expansion + Support in my life this year. Will you join me?

FREEDOM + EXPANSION: I’m hosting a workshop! Channel Your Message: A Writing Workshop. Come and learn how to discover and write your message from soul, through Channel Writing. This workshop is for anyone interested in channeling, free-flow writing, authentic messaging, throwing out the rules and having more fun writing. Writers AND non-writers are welcome. The workshop materials dropped today and there’s still time to sign up before we go live. xo

SUPPORT: I’ve been a member of Kate Northrup’s group, Origin, ever since the beginning. Looking back, I can see now that having the massive amount of support and resources within the group have been the biggest grounding force for me as an online business owner. Well, now you too can see what it’s like to cultivate and receive this kind of support in your own life. Kate’s offering a free video series that I think you’ll love. Click here to watch it.

Overcome Your Creativity Blocks

Overcome Your Creativity Blocks

Channel Your Message

Channel Your Message