Embrace The Adventure
This is me in beautiful Tahoe, California in 2011...
...a few days after I had quit my 9-5 job and drove across the northern U.S. during the middle of winter with my 5 year old daughter. One week later we were on an airplane to our new home on Oahu, Hawaii.
Pictured here, I had no idea what was in store for us or that we were going to be so happy in our new island home, but I knew that we were enjoying the adventure while getting there.
Always embrace the adventure.
Whatever situation you're in, if you're striving for something better, always remember that it's all just an adventure.
We drove through deadly blizzards in the mountains at night in the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming, then we drove for hours and hours through dry desserts in Utah and Nevada.
It was a challenging road but after each challenge on the way, there were amazing sunsets and some of mother natures finest displays. At the end of the road was paradise.
So stick with it through the challenges and enjoy the ride. Appreciate life. It's all just an adventure on the way to something better.
And, quite often, when you look back you'll see that the adventure in and of itself was what made that end reward, the end goal, the destination.. that much sweeter. ❤
Korynn xx
P.S. I’m happy to announce that I’m now offering several online courses + ritual kits at ‘Pay What You Can’ pricing! Check out what’s in store here and treat yourself (and maybe give one as a gift, too)!
Available Now. Learn how to thrive creatively, emotionally, physically + financially during each phase of your menstrual cycle. (Or with the moon).